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priests see their authority arising from their ordination (office) and capabilities (profession). Mainline Protestant pastors believe their authority rests on their competencies (profession) and slightly less so on their ordination (office). Conservative Protestant pastors portray their authority as stemming from their ministry competencies first, closely followed by their call from God (calling).

These results support Carroll’s thesis that the three models of ministry are not mutually exclusive. Pastors draw on multiple sources of authority as they serve congregations. In this time when many question all authority, pastors need to claim the historical roots of their authority:

“And when Jesus finished these sayings,

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profession). Mainline Protestant pastors believe their authority rests on their competencies (profession) and slightly less so on their ordination (office). Conservative Protestant pastors portray their authority as stemming from their ministry competencies first, closely followed by their call from God (calling).

These results support Carroll’s thesis that the three models of ministry are not mutually exclusive. Pastors draw on multiple sources of authority as they serve congregations. In this time when many question all authority

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