By Ida Smith-Williams
Earth Day originated on college campuses in 1970 as a way to bring environmental issues to the national agenda. Today, more churches and places of worship are joining the movement. It’s a good fit spiritually and financially for churches to emphasize and act as a role model in caring for one of God’s greatest creation, the Earth.
Churches are going green in lots of ways. Some are including energy-efficient features in construction projects, recycling printed materials, eliminating use of Styrofoam coffee cups, serving organic coffee and local foods, and opening community gardens, to name a few.
On a recent survey, PC(USA) congregations were asked about their environmental ministries. Each was asked if it had a stewardship of creation, “earth care” or other “green” committee that focused on environmental issues. While relatively few congregations (13%) reported having such a committee, those that do, focus their environmental energy in many ways. One third of congregations with a committee that focuses on environmental issues celebrated Earth Day in 2010 (36%; compared to 9% overall). Half are interested in becoming certified as Earth Care congregations (51%; 6%), and three in ten conducted an environmental project to make their facilities more “green” (29%; 5%).
The full report can be found here.
Interested in making a difference? Here are a few places to start: – Download educational and promotional materials that help motivate your congregation
National Council of Churches Eco Justice Programs – This site provides links to funding sources for people who are interested in finding ways to conserve energy but may not have the finances to do so. – Currently offering a contest to win prizes in categories of energy efficiency, renewable energy, grounds and water conservation, and helping congregants lower household energy use. Take the challenge!
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