About Eric Hoey

  • Eric Hoey

  • Eric Hoey is the Director of Evangelism and Church Growth for the General Assembly Mission Council of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). He hopes to build a culture of faith sharing among individuals in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) who have a passion for church growth. This blog considers what the gospel asks of the church in the 21st century.
  • Evangelism and Church Growth

PC(USA) Bloggers

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July 21, 2009


Jim Berkley

Thanks, Eric! I am so thankful that we Presbyterians finally have someone encouraging us to actually share the content of our faith with others.

People need the Lord. We have a great treasure to give away.

Thanks for sharing this authentic means.

Jim Berkley
Bellevue, WA

Eric Hoey

Thanks Jim!
Check out our new Coordinator for Evangelism, Ray Jones at:


I think you will like what you see. Eric

Jim Berkley


I do like what I see. Thanks, and keep up the good work. These dead Presbyterian bones can live!

Jim Berkley
Bellevue, WA


Wow, Eric.. this is a great video. Thanks for sharing this!

Dennis Evans

Sometime this year I hope to do a series on "telling the story". I hope to show how the old 4 spiritual lawas apply, and Choung's "Big Story". Maybe show how I could use my life or my experience of the world to fit each way, and then just tell my own story of God and my life.

Jerry Iamurri

That is a great resource thank you!

 Kenneth Copeland

Christian living is all about learning to follow Jesus. We follow Jesus not only by emulating His fine example but also by yielding to God’s work of changing us into His image, and being conformed to His Word in every area of life. May you experience the joy of following Jesus as you memorise and meditate on the passages of the Scripture.

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