Prepare Ye the Churches Week of Action on Food!
It is now time to gear up for the Churches Week of Action on Food from 10-17 October. During the Week you will be connected to thousands of people, churches and communities around the world in a movement calling for change in the way food is grown, sold, distributed and shared. It is a time to lift up the voices of small-scale food producers, particularly women, to have choices on what crops to grow and how they can grow these crops.
The Week in October goes from October 10-17, Sunday to Sunday and is a key time for action:
12 October is Indigenous Peoples' Day
15 October is International Day for Rural Women
16 October is World Food Day
17 October is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
Also, 11-16 October is Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Committee on Food Security (CFS) meeting, Rome, Italy and good time to advocate for FOOD for ALL! FOOD for LIFE!
The EAA, with help from PCUSA, has produced a Resource Guide for the Week of Action -- Download Food-week-guide2010. The guide offers action ideas, as well as worship resources, including a liturgy and a prayer card.
Hold a Sunday worship service (which is in Word, so you can download and modify it for your church) on food and gender on the Sunday at the beginning or end of the Week of Action or on both days. And you can also find many other resources here.
What can I do?
- Hold a worship service focused on food and gender on the Sunday at the beginning or end of the Week of Action or on both days.
- Use or adapt the liturgy found in the EAA resource guide.
- Encourage a national letter writing campaign calling national governments to safeguard communal land against land grabbing using the EAA Model Letter
- Adopt, adapt, collect signatures and send to the same people/institutions on the same day.
- Organize an Agape meal prepared with food produced by women or purchased from fair trade shops and invite guests (including local politicians, press, celebrities etc). Use the EAA prayer card before meals.
- Enter the EAA Food for Life competition by writing and submitting sermons on food and gender for promotion in 2011. Details of the competition will be available online during the Week of Action or you can write to [email protected]
- Let the media know about your events or write a letter to the editor to let more people know about the issues around food and gender.
- Tell us what you are doing! Inspire others and share your ideas by sending information on your events and actions to [email protected]
More action ideas are available in the Resource Guide! Download Food-week-guide2010
Like the Churches Food Week of Action facebook page and post what you are doing there!
Thanks for the tips and information you gave us in order to serve our own little way. Also I may share also how to help our environment is to have a beekeeping hive and so if you would like more information about how to start beekeeping,go to beekeeping guide and sign up for the FREE 7 day beekeeping ecourse.
Posted by: Account Deleted | October 07, 2010 at 12:25 AM