Extremely Short Deadline: Please APPLY BY THURSDAY, MAY 12
Anti-Hunger Americorp*VISTA Summer Associates
Full-time, June 8 - August 16 (10 weeks)
Summer Associates are part of a new national program to fight hunger. Help increase access by low-income families to healthy local food through farmers markets, community gardens and Fresh Stops. Expand outreach and education at Summer Food Service Program sites, organize gleaning activities, and link to urban agriculture and food justice efforts. Associates will work closely with the two year-long VISTAs.
* $2,145 living allowance, plus $1,174.60 Americorps Education Award or $288 stipend
Send brief cover letter and resume to andrew.kangbartlett (@ sign) pcusa (dot) org by 5:00 pm on Thursday, May 12. Must be available for interview (phone or in-person) on May 13 or the morning of May 16. Questions – call Andrew at (502) 569-5388.
Hosted by the Presbyterian Hunger Program, PCUSA, Louisville, KY