Which piece of peace will you work on? Thirty years ago, the Presbyterian Church identified peacemaking as the believers' calling, emphasizing the connection between peace and justice. In August of 2010 at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico we held a seminar: "Peacemaking - Still the Believer's Calling". In July, First Presbyterian Church of Homewood, Illinois held its VBS, "Shalom: a Believer's Calling", drawing 50 participants from seven area churches.
September 21 has been identified as an International Day of Peace, and on World Communion Sunday Presbyterians will receive the peacemaking offering, a quarter of which will remain in our community. Peace has many "pieces"; which piece will you be working on as we approach these special days?
Will you speak up / speak out to a friend, family member, neighbor, co-worker? Speak up / speak out to an elected leader? Speak up / speak out through our denomination's Peacemaking Office or other peace and justice organization? Give time or money as a way of speaking? And which piece of peace will you speak about?
*promoting peaceful conflict resolution, from families to nations *opposing war as unhealthy for children and other living things *resolving to walk lightly on God's earth as caregivers of creation *opposing conscription of children into military service *speaking truth to power on behalf of any oppressed group *respecting differences of opinion, belief, race, culture or gender
So which piece of peace will you work on Tuesday?
Here are some ideas for ways to observe the International Day of Peace.
At the 2010 Peacemaking Seminar worship, led by Regi Braga, included an opportunity to make peace by breaking down walls. Photo by David Young.