It was good today . . .
to worship at Good Shepherd-Faith Presbyterian Church
in Korean and in English;
to gather with a "United Nations" of sisters and brothers,
a multicultural, inclusive community;
to hear music ranging from
Oh Happy Day to The Holy City;
to remember Naomi
who presented me the cross I wore to preach,
who lived as a child of resurrection in a world of Good Fridays;
to experience anew the reality
of the Communion of Saints -
those with whom we once share life's journey
go with us as the journey continues;
to watch the flowering of the cross
and to realize, for the first time,
that it denies not
the obscenity of crucifixion
but proclaims that,
affirms that,
though consequences continue and wounds remain,
resurrection follows - new life blooms.
It was good today.
Reposted from my personal blog - a bit after Easter Day - but in the Easter season!